ZOTERO: a free tool to easily manage your bibliography
Do you need help with your bibliography? It’s easy with Zotero!
Learn with us how to use a free software to create and manage bibliography for your thesis and papers.
Next workshop will be on Tuesday, January 21st, 10-12 a.m.
The workshop is broadcast via Zoom.
Please register
(Choose 'AGRIPOLIS')
Enrolled participants will receive an email with the access link the day before the course.
Learn with us how to use a free software to create and manage bibliography for your thesis and papers.
Next workshop will be on Tuesday, January 21st, 10-12 a.m.
The workshop is broadcast via Zoom.
Please register
(Choose 'AGRIPOLIS')
Enrolled participants will receive an email with the access link the day before the course.
For more information: